Monday, September 1, 2014

First Presbyterian Church

The Presbyterian Church has its roots back to the Reform Movement in England and Scotland, when people like John Calvin separated from the Roman Catholic Church based on grievances. Presbyterian churches surged in the United States during the Revivalist Movement of the early 18th century. 

The Presbyterian Church has a combined governance of both clergy and laity, which is open to both men and womenThey believe in "the sovereignty of God, the authority of the scripture, justification by grace through faith, and the priesthood of all believers."

PC (USA) made several momentous decisions regarding the direction of the national organization this summer, one of which was to allow their ministers "freedom of conscience" to perform same sex marriages in the jurisdictions that have legalized them. 

I attended the First Presbyterian Church's 8:45 am Sunday service. They held the service in their courtyard. The 11am service is held in their Sanctuary. 

I got there a little early and there was fellowship with hot drinks and donuts. Many people spoke to and greeted me. 

A piano and clarinet duo performed the service music ~ very nice.  

Don't Tell Me What You Believe - Show Me
Presbyterians use a form of prayer and ritual similar to Catholics in their service; but the Calls to Worship, Doxology, and Prayers of Confession are more unique and modern. After the initial prayers and announcements, there was a time of greeting peace to one another. Elder Libby told the children a bible story. 

Reverend Matthew Miller gave the sermon about Moses and the Burning Bush.

And God said, "I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you." ~ Exodus 3:12

The minister talked about when Moses was living in exile. He was just trying to mind his own business and live an ordinary life, when the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a Burning Bush. God commanded him to take off his shoes and go Barefoot on the Holy Land. God had different plans for Moses, to mind God's Business by being a part of the Deliverance of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. God made that Moses' business. When Moses questioned God on how he could do it, God assured him that he would be with him on his Journey. 
God comes to us in many ways, are you listening, or are you just walking by that Burning Bush? Minister Miller shared with us that Once your World is Ablaze with the Glory of God, it is hard to go back. In the end, the only thing that any of us need is that God will be with us in all that we do. 

"But only he who sees, takes off his shoes." ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning

How do you know that God has not sent you a Burning Bush, are you paying attention?

After the sermon, there was offering and communion. It was an altar communion with loaf bread and trays of individual glasses. The service ended with the Benediction and a send off Blessing. 

There was something very peaceful about the outside service, I really like it. 
THANK YOU First Presbyterian Church for your peaceful service.  

1 comment:

  1. I sent this blog to my friend, Rev. Marilyn Wedell. She is glad you liked the Presbyterian Church.


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