Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Disciples of Christ

The Disciples of Christ Church was the result of two movements seeking Christian unity due to denominations not being able to share communion together in the early 1800s. A few Presbyterian ministers from Pennsylvania and Kentucky were behind the merging and formation of the Disciples of Christ. 

The Disciples of Christ Church is a place to grow in FAITH in an Atmosphere of Freedom, with others that become your Family.

They celebrate Open CommunionAll that believe in Jesus are welcome to partake in Communion. 

The Church is ONE - they believe that all Christians are called to be ONE in the Body of Christ and seek unity and fellowship with all denominations.

The Disciples have Freedom of Belief - they are called together around two essentials of faith: a believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God, our Lord and Savior, and a belief that Christians are free to follow their own consciences, guided by the Bible, the Holy Spirit, fellowship and study in community, and prayer. As Disciples we not only enjoy this Freedom in Christ, we respectfully extend that freedom to others.

They have Baptism by Immersion. They encourage both ministers and lay people to lead in the worship service and at the table. We are ALL called to minister and serve each other and are dedicated to spiritual growth. 

I visited Los Altos Christian Church at their 10:30 am service.

They had bags hanging on the back wall for children with coloring books and crayons. They started with the Call to Worship with hymns and prayers. Then members great each other. The pastor gave a children's lesson. They had a nice choir that sang many songs throughout the service, at times they also have a bell choir. The Pastor was Bill Harrold. He gave a sermon about Moses. 

The sermon was about God and the Mighty acts of God. He talked about Moses and the parting of the sea to save the Israelites. The Pastor talked about how we can walk together and we are here to tell God's story.  Christ died for our sins, so that we may live a life free of sins.  God gives us a new name and identity, so give God the credit. He told us God is with us and the Lord is good all of the time. He reminded us that our Lives are in the hands of God. Have Faith, Hope in Jesus. 

The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left.   ~ Exodus 21-22

For communion, the Pastor broke the bread and prayed over it. Bread and cups of juice were passed out to the members in the congregation. The Pastor then prayed over the chalice and the members took the sacrament together. 

There was another hymn then the benediction prayer.

And All God's people said, "AMEN."

They have a Taize service at 5pm on Sunday evenings. 
THANK YOU Los Altos Christian Church for your beautiful service. 

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