Thursday, August 28, 2014

Brethren in Christ Church

Brethren are a Brotherhood in Christ that came out of the Anabaptist Faith, just like the Mennonites. They also are a blend of Pietism and the Holiness movement. The denomination emerged in the late 1700's in largely German Immigrant areas of Pennsylvania. There are many different Brethren groups. Early Brethren in Christ members avoided “worldly” activities such as politics and certain amusements like card playing. Dress was simple and unadorned by jewelry, bright colors, or frills. Their plain uniform dress made them stand out in their communities which suited their belief of being a "separate people called out by God." Today many of the conservative congregations still hold true to the Plain living. Most churches, however, these days stay true to the strong religious doctrines and beliefs, but dress and live just as the average person. 

I visited the Desert Light Brethren in Christ Church's 10:30am service.

It is a Little Church with a Big Heart

As a newcomer they gave me a cross for my pocket and a small loaf of bread. First they sang their hearts out with Praise for the Lord. There was prayer and then communion. They had fellowship, or as they called it "loved on each other." The sermon was given by the music director about Grace. 

It was the story of Simon the Pharisee whom invited Christ to his house but did not provide him the common courtesy of washing his feet. The speaker said, Do not be like the Pharisees by not giving something to someone because they have nothing to offer you. The woman, that was labeled a sinner washed his feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair, and anointed him with oil. Grace is giving without any expectation of return; not because someone deserves it, rather it is what Christ would do. Grace is glorified simply by the object of Grace. God's Grace qualifies you to serve him instantly so open your heart to the Grace of Jesus.  When the father looks at you, he looks at you with love even when what you bring to him is broken and burnt. 

For by grace you are saved through faith: and that not of yourselves, for it is the gift of God. Not of works, that no man may glory. Ephesians 2:8-9 

Your Faith has saved you, go in peace. 

The church puts a heavy emphasis on mission work, such as fundraising for Navajo children and working with the Albuquerque Rescue Mission. They also have a 5pm Sunday service in Spanish

They were a super friendly church, very welcoming. 
THANK YOU Desert Light Brethren in Christ Church for graciously welcoming me into your family. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Christian Science Church

The History of Christian Science dates back to 1866 when Mary Baker Eddy discovered what she considered to be the Science of Christianity which Jesus taught and lived. She dedicated her life to using this system to teach, preach about, and heal others. She learned to apply spiritual laws or Christian Science and in 1875 she published a book about her experiences, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. In 1879, she founded the Church of Christ, Scientist, “to commemorate the word and works of our Master, which should reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing.” (Church Manual, p.17) They believe in a Father-Mother God and consider Christ, the title given to Jesus, as the source of healing power, "that dissolves suffering in exchange for the profound feeling of being loved and being well." Church of Christian Science is in no way affiliated with Scientology. 

Christian Science is known to many as the Church that does not believe in modern medicine or that their members do not seek the advise or care of medical professionals. The official stance the Home church takes is, "it's up to each person who practices Christian Science to choose the form of health care he or she wants. Many Christian Scientists decide to pray first about every challenge—including health issues—and find it effective.

Christian Science reports that over 80,000 healings, minor to severe, have been documented over the last 140 years.
I visited the 10:30am service at Church of Christian Science in 

The Way, The Truth, The Life 
It was a unique service. They have 2 readers who led the service. Readers are elected by the congregation for 3 year terms. There are no formal clergy in the Christian Science faith. They sang hymns first. The way they sing is - one of the readers speaks the words of the hymn first, then the organist plays the melody one time through, and then the congregation sings. They had a silent prayer, then recited an interpretative Lord's Prayer. The sermon was different than most. They read passages of the bible and then read the interpretations of those passages from Science and Health, the book written by the church's founder - Mary Baker Eddy. I honestly cannot summarize exactly what the sermon was about, but there were some very poignant points made. "Man is not God, but like a ray of sunshine - man reflects God. Man cannot be separated for an instant from God. If we look to the body for pleasure, we find pain, look to the love.

I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.  ~ Psalms 23:6

They then had offering and ended with another hymn. 

Both the readers and several church members came and spoke with me to welcome me to the church. 
THANK YOU Church of Christian Science for welcoming me into your unique service.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hope Evangelical Free Church

The Evangelical Free Church is the product of the merger of two revival churches - the Swedish Evangelical Free Church and the Norwegian-Danish Evangelical Free Church AssociationThe Swedish group had its formal beginnings in Boone, Iowa in the late 1880's. At the same time, two Norwegian-Danish groups began to fellowship together in Boston, Massachusetts and Tacoma, Washington. These groups respectively became the Swedish Evangelical Free Church and the Norwegian-Danish Evangelical Free Church Association. The two merged in 1950 to the form the Evangelical Free Church of America. 

Evangelical refers to a commitment to the proclamation of the Gospel and to the authority of Scriptures

Free refers to the way the church is governed - by the lay people of the congregation. 

I visited Hope Evangelical Free Church today for their 10:45 am Sunday Service. 

Jesus Christ pronounced Yes over You!

The service was simple and sweet. There was much musical worship to start the service off. I do not know if it was the decorations or something else but the sanctuary was very serene.  Pastor Josh Swanson gave a sermon entitled, "The Martyr." He spoke of St. Steven who was stoned to death by the Israelites. Stephen has been brought before the Sanhedrin for being a missionary of Jesus of Nazarene. Rather than defend himself, he gave a speech about Abraham, Moses, and the legacy of Jesus. He also chastised the Israelites for the prosecution of prophets. He knew his fate was sealed so he used his audience as an opportunity to give Testimony of his faith in Jesus. Stephen was then stoned to death and became the first recorded Martyr (other than Jesus) in the Christian religion. Pastor Swanson spoke of the courage Stephen had when facing death. He talked about the everyday sacrifices that people make - for jobs, for fitness goals, for monetary gain and status but how many sacrifices do we make for God, our Religion, or to live a life according to Jesus' teachings. 

All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. ~ Acts 2:44-45
It is very Cool to love Jesus these days, but it is not too trendy to dedicate your life to sacrifice and selfless acts. The minister talked about the criticism that people receive when they make sacrifices in the name of Religion and how they are often labeled as extreme or overboard. 

After the sermon there was an offering, more music, announcements, and a prayer to send the congregation off for the week. 
THANK YOU Hope Evangelical Free Church sharing your service with me. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

African Methodist Episcopal

The African Methodist Episcopal Church is a denomination that grew out of the Free African Society (FAS) which was a group in the late 1700's that protested slavery in the United States. The AME church"rejected the negative theological interpretations which rendered persons of African descent second class citizens. Theirs was a theological declaration that God is God all the time and for every body." 

The name of the AME church was derived from the following:
African - because the church was organized by people of African descent and heritage. 
• Methodist - The church’s roots and gospel were derived from the family of Methodist churches. 
Episcopal - Refers to the church's government structure - the church is governed by bishops. 
The church welcomes all, not just persons of African descent.

I visited Grant Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church at their 11am Sunday service.


The service started out fairly regularly with some singing and praying. There was a call to Worship, scripture reading, and they recited the Apostle's Creed, during the call for prayer - people called out the names of those in need of prayer. 

As a first time guest; they recognized me, had me stand, and gave me a prayer. They told me that I would only be a stranger once at Grant Chapel :) 

There was a male elder of the church who sang a solo, it was truly delightful. 

Reverend Dr. John Hill is the minister and facilitated the service but the sermon was given by a guest Reverend, the Presiding Elder of the 5th District of their church, Reverend Dr. Charles Wharry. Reverend Wharry sermon was about How Not to Sell Out. He talked about the numerous people in the Bible that sold out but there were also many that did not like Joshua. He talked about how Temptation is an attempt to get you to sell out your Birthright. He advised First you must Put God as your Priority and Secondly You must live a life with Godly Principles. Lastly make sure you Ally yourself with the right people who will not deter you from path of God. 

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

The offering was given by members of the church going up to front of the sanctuary and putting it in baskets. Then there was an altar communion, which is the first Sunday of every month. Both men and women were part of the pastoral team. 

There were several aspects of the service that I really liked - the members of the pastoral team prayed before they started service, the congregation held hands and formed a Unity circle and prayed together, the congregation prayed for the Reverend before he gave his sermon. 

                    They were a very friendly group. 
THANK YOU Grant Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church for welcoming me into the Family for the day. 
Post Script I would like to express my deepest sorrow and condolences regarding the tragedy at Mother Emanuel A.M.E. church in June of 2015. May God be with you all and with your beloved families.