Plain Anabaptists are those of the Anabaptist Faith that have kept with a certain lifestyle that is conservative in nature. They feel this lifestyle helps them have a closer relationship with God and also prevents them from getting distracted by the sins of the modern world. Most people of these faiths are born into them, but there are some converts. Plain church congregations can be found in the denominations of Amish, Brethren, Hutterite, & Mennonite.
Before I attended, I studied about Plain churches and what to expect from a great Anabaptist Faith Resource Site. I read about what I should wear. Even though I wore my hair up and a conservative blouse, skirt, tights and flats - I was still an obvious anomaly.
The children returned and there was a sermon given by a man who I believe was a bishop, but I am not sure of his title. The title of the sermon was, "Why We Stay Conservative," He spoke of how difficult it is to stay true to the conservative values in a land "saturated with consumerism." He spoke of how easy it is to justify, the idea of letting go of some of the traditional ways; but he warned of allowing such errors creep into your lives. He spoke of families that had fallen away and the results of their decisions. Jude 1:8-11 He also spoke of the pitfall of focusing on the conservative lifestyle itself, more than focusing on keeping the "Spirit of God in our Hearts." He encouraged the members to stay steadfast in their conservative and plain lifestyle as a means to a Godly life free of many of the burdens of the modern world.
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. ~ 1 Corinthians 15:58
Before and after the service, many women spoke to me. They were very friendly and asked me to visit again.
THANK YOU Belen Mennonite Church for graciously allowing me to be a part of your worship service.
Note:This group is not Old Order Mennonite so they do use electricity, cars, phones, and many electrical items. Most still will not listen to the radio or watch television.
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