Sunday, March 23, 2014

All Nations Assembly of God

Assemblies of God were first part of the revival Pentecostal movement. In the early 1900's, tent revivals sprang up all over parts of the U.S. as a way to breathe life into stale Christian worship. The Assembly of God denomination came about in 1914, when people from the movement sought to organize the revivals into the structure of a permanent church community. Evangelism and missions are at the foundation of the Assembly of God Church.

The Assemblies of God have a four-fold Mission:

  1. Evangelize the lost.
  2. Worship God.
  3. Disciple believers.
  4. Show Compassion.
I attended the Sunday evening 6:30 service of All Nations Assembly of God. A small chapel, within a block of the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center. All Nations is a church dedicated to evangelizing the gospel to people of all the tribal nations.  


It was a small group but a big and powerful message. Pastor Marleen Mercer has been preaching the word of God amongst the Native Cultures for almost 40 years. It opened with a prayer and songs. People shared their praises and a young woman recited John 3:16 in Navajo ~ it was very meaningful and touching. 

Pastor Mercer gave a powerful and moving sermon. She spoke of our Spiritual Body Armour - Armour of God that helps us withstand in the battles against evil and self destruction. She made the illustration that negative thoughts are like runaway wild horses and God is what you must use to reign them in. When we are clothed in the breastplate of Jesus, we are righteous. It is difficult to allow ourselves to believe that we are righteous because we judge ourselves on our own actions and our limitations. We are righteous, however because it is Jesus that is righteous for us. This she affirmed, is the armour that will defend you against the World and allow you to shine God's love. 

Shall they that receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one, even Jesus Christ. ~ Romans 5:17

We closed the service with a prayer circle. We joined hands and prayed out loud for the person on either side of us, for the group, the community...The room was truly filled with the Holy Spirit. It was an amazingly uplifting service to be a part of. I now know why they call them Revivals!
THANK YOU All Nations Assembly of God for showing me that we are all part of God's Tribe. 

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