Their mission is:
"We exist to know Christ and to make Christ known."
They have many basic core values that are all biblically based, one of the values that distinguishes them from many of their counterparts is they, "believe that the church should be culturally relevant while remaining doctrinally pure."
Upon arriving, there were people directing parking, shuttles from the parking lot to the church, numerous friendly greeters, and even ushers to assist you in finding seats.
Upon arriving, there were people directing parking, shuttles from the parking lot to the church, numerous friendly greeters, and even ushers to assist you in finding seats.
Pastor Todd Cook gave the sermon. He started off with an anecdotal, humorous story that showed a very real side to himself. His sermon brought forth the following:
❦ God's plan and perspective for your life is bigger than your plan and perspective for your life.
❦ God's plan for your life will be harder than your plan for life.
❦ God's plan is to use you in fulfilling his purpose on this earth.
He illustrated this lesson with the story of Mary & Joseph and the birth of Christ. He spoke of the difficulties both Mary and Joseph had accepting the truth of Mary's pregnancy; and the ridicule and social alienation it caused them and their families to follow God's will.
“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).
~ Matthew 1:23 ✞
He related the story to how difficult your path will be at times when you too are wholly and unquestionably dedicated to God's will. He stated most Christians have, "Just enough Jesus to save them, but not enough to change them." He encouraged the congregation to further their dedication in order to fully benefit from the change that will come from a life dedicated to Christ's message and path.
Rev. Cook has a very personal ministerial method. He speaks with conviction, compassion, and a touch of humour. His genuine and humble manner undoubtedly help people relate to him and his teachings and must be a big reason for the phenomenal success of the church and their mission.
Thank You Sagebrush Community Church for sharing with me your Energetic Worship of God.
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