Thursday, August 21, 2014

Christian Science Church

The History of Christian Science dates back to 1866 when Mary Baker Eddy discovered what she considered to be the Science of Christianity which Jesus taught and lived. She dedicated her life to using this system to teach, preach about, and heal others. She learned to apply spiritual laws or Christian Science and in 1875 she published a book about her experiences, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. In 1879, she founded the Church of Christ, Scientist, “to commemorate the word and works of our Master, which should reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing.” (Church Manual, p.17) They believe in a Father-Mother God and consider Christ, the title given to Jesus, as the source of healing power, "that dissolves suffering in exchange for the profound feeling of being loved and being well." Church of Christian Science is in no way affiliated with Scientology. 

Christian Science is known to many as the Church that does not believe in modern medicine or that their members do not seek the advise or care of medical professionals. The official stance the Home church takes is, "it's up to each person who practices Christian Science to choose the form of health care he or she wants. Many Christian Scientists decide to pray first about every challenge—including health issues—and find it effective.

Christian Science reports that over 80,000 healings, minor to severe, have been documented over the last 140 years.
I visited the 10:30am service at Church of Christian Science in 

The Way, The Truth, The Life 
It was a unique service. They have 2 readers who led the service. Readers are elected by the congregation for 3 year terms. There are no formal clergy in the Christian Science faith. They sang hymns first. The way they sing is - one of the readers speaks the words of the hymn first, then the organist plays the melody one time through, and then the congregation sings. They had a silent prayer, then recited an interpretative Lord's Prayer. The sermon was different than most. They read passages of the bible and then read the interpretations of those passages from Science and Health, the book written by the church's founder - Mary Baker Eddy. I honestly cannot summarize exactly what the sermon was about, but there were some very poignant points made. "Man is not God, but like a ray of sunshine - man reflects God. Man cannot be separated for an instant from God. If we look to the body for pleasure, we find pain, look to the love.

I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.  ~ Psalms 23:6

They then had offering and ended with another hymn. 

Both the readers and several church members came and spoke with me to welcome me to the church. 
THANK YOU Church of Christian Science for welcoming me into your unique service.

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