Friday, June 27, 2014

Christ Lutheran - LCMS

Their are several different branches of the Lutheran Church. Missouri Synod or LCMS is considered a "confessional" denomination and one of the more conservative groups. In 1847, The LCMS was organized at a meeting in Chicago of largely German immigrants, initially called the German Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States. Having over 2.5 million members, the LCMS is the 11th largest Christian denomination in North America. Even though the Missouri Synod is a separate denomination, they still subscribe, "unconditionally to all the symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as a "true and unadulterated statement and exposition of the Word of GodThey believe and attempt to hold true to the historical Christian doctrines as revealed in the Bible.
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ~ John 3:16

Christ Lutheran is a Missouri Synod Lutheran denomination. They also have a School on site open to all faiths. I attended their 11am Sunday service.

I was surprised how different a Missouri Synod church was to the other Lutheran Church I attended. This church was closer in ritual to an Episcopal or Catholic service, using the Nicene and other Creeds, ceremonial robes, acolytes and alter candles. 

There were many hymns sung throughout the service. They had an amazing pipe organ which led the congregation in each hymn. 

There was liturgy, prayers, and bible readings - then Reverend Neal Groeling gathered with the young ones at the alter for a Children's message. It paralleled his sermon on the topic of Fear. He talked to the children about his fear of Monsters under the bed when he was young. As a solution, his mother put a glow in the dark picture of Jesus in his room. The feeling that Jesus was watching over him comforted him in his fears. 

Amazing Grace was sung during the offering and then Rev. Groeling gave his sermon. He asked the congregation what fear was and some people said heights and a child said bears. The reverend said those are actually causes of fears and he contributed that his greatest fear was for the salvation of the people he knows. He explained that fear is actually a natural instinct that God has built into us. He said to us that the things Christ calls us to do, often causes us the greatest fear. He emboldened us to not be afraid of the evils in life, because they have no power over us when you walk with Christ. 

Afterwards, there was communion. It was a unique blend of protestant and catholic rituals. The congregation sang while the other members went to the alter for communion. At the alter each person was given the sacrament of a wafer and a small cup of wine. Then there were closing hymns. 

You could tell the congregation was a very bonded group of people that were a committed spiritual community.  

NOTE: LCMS do not condone membership in Fraternal organizations, Lodges, Masons, etc. 

THANK YOU Christ Lutheran for a blessed Sunday of worship.

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