They started out the service with singing praise with a choir and then they had prayer.
Senior Pastor Dr. John Adams gave a
sermon about the Sons of Thunder, James and John. In the beginning, the two were difficult, would not back away from a confrontation, were aggressive and prideful. God, however, drew them close to him. They were sent to the Mount of Transfiguration and witnessed other miracles - by the end of their lives, they became known for something very different. James was the first apostle to be martyred and John became known as the apostle of love. The preacher's lesson was how God turned James and John into very different people through a relationship with Christ and you can find transformation through the same. The minister shared with us that Intimacy with Christ brings a revelation of self. The minister also spoke of ways to better represent Christ in your worldly relationships. He spoke of Reacting versus Responding. He defined Reacting as doing or saying something without thought. Response, he said, requires thought and you should ask counsel of The Lord for the right spirit in your response. Responding will be more in line with God's Will as counsel has been sought first. This will make all of your relationships more genuine and true to your Christian values.
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. ~ Ephesians 4:32
It was a wonderful event to witness.